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Organization Tech Information

Ngày đăng : 19/06/2022

Are you looking for the hottest business technology news? BusinessTech is a popular internet site in South Africa having a readership of over 35 million site views monthly. The site specializes in business and finance reports and features articles on the range of issues. The site incorporates a diverse workforce of media and advertising professionals devoted to serving the South African business community. There are simply no advertising costs on the website, so you can read their very own stories any time.

The aim of TechInformed is to provide you with factual data to their readers. The site examines current tech trends and news in order to offer people accurate details. It's easy to acquire swept up in hearsay, nevertheless, you can't additional info be a professional on everything. With TechInformed, you can stay abreast of market news and trends without having to make well-informed guesses or perhaps take a risk. Knowledge is definitely power!

Dương Xuân Quả (Năm Nhã)

Hệ thống cánh quạt siêu tiết kiệm điện năng và lò đốt tiết kiệm nhiên liệu đốt;

Nguyên liệu đốt đa dạng như: trấu, củi trấu, củi cây, than đá, vỏ cà phê, cùi bắp;

Sấy gạo đạt tiêu chuẩn xuất khẩu, gạo không ẩm vàng, tỷ lệ tấm đạt 3-5%, tỷ lệ hạt giống nẩy mầm từ 95 -97%;​

Sấy được nhiều loại nông sản như: lúa, bắp, cà phê, cacao, ớt trái, vỏ đầu tôm, sắn, khoai mì, thảo dược...

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